Admiral (Clyde) Beaumont

The Unity Admiral in charge of the Unity Ninth fleet at the second battle of Wales during the First Pax Imperium War.

General Adrian Gregory

Marine general Gregory serves as the chief cyber-warefare officer for the Athenian Seventh Fleet.

Andre Toby

Andre Toby is a deck officer on the Brunswick gate station.

Captain Audra Taylor

Captain Taylor is a Brunswick officer who runs the command center of the Brunswick gate a strategically important gate located near the border between Allied space and the Unity. Captain Taylor has prior special forces training and has viewed her posting to the Brunswick gate as a semiretirement after having children.

Daxton Rynson

Jonas Athena’s copilot in flight school and aboard the troop carrier Constant. Jonas Athena appreciates Rynson because she pays him little respect, declaring the first time they me that she hand her family voted with the Divestment Bloc in Parliament.

Lieutenant General Bradford

In 319, the deputy director of joint military intelligence, and an Athenian Atmospheric forces three star general.

Milton Rain

The senior royal reporter for the Court Reporter. He is known for his ability to get candid interviews with members of the royal family. Although he is the “elder statesman” of the royal press corp, he is not well trusted by the royal family as he has published several private matters which members of the family had wished would remain secret. However, he is seen as reliable and not unfair. He is certainly not an abolitionist and as the senior reporter he is often given important interviews and announcements.

Commander (Remi) Azziz

Commander Azziz is the head of training at St. Almo’s Military Academy. He was assigned to train Prince Jonas Athena and his squad by General Hansen.

Admiral Brent Hansen

In the year 318, the head of all Athenain Space Defenses and the head of Allied Command.