An alliance of states created 314 and 315 to counter the growing militarization of the Unity Corporation, led by the House of Athena.
Category: Civilizations
The Naval Acadamy of St. Almo
The Athenian military academy for the Space Fleet and the Space Marines.
The New Amsterdam Archipelago
A chain of small, sparsely inhabited, planetary systems closely placed next to one another in the Kingdom of Athena.
The region has always been a hotbed of rebellion ever since the Kingdom of Athena claimed the sparsely populated region in the mid 200s. The low level conflict threatened to turn hot in 304 when the House of Athena intercepted two shipments of weapons to the rebels coming from Duke Brutus Malek. Malek only survived because his removal might have threatened civil war in those areas of the kingdom that supported him.
The Dukedom of the Malek family. The only remaining fiefdom in the Kingdom of Athena. The dukedom is ruled from the palace on the planet Pontus
The Sadarian Guard
A group of gorilla fighters who held out for over fifty years on Mt. Gauss, on the planet Pontus, against the House of Athena during the war of consolidation.
In the Pax year 314, Duke Malek is known to use their iconography, including their uniforms as a show of force to enforce his demands for more independence for the nobility in the Kingdom of Athena.
(This despite the fact that the Malek family was given the rule of Galatia by the House of Athena at the end of the war.)
Pax Charter
The founding document that created the Pax Imperium at the end of the Great War.
Ministry of Information
The spy and propaganda ministry of the Pax Empire
The Russian Republic
A small member state in the Pax Imperium with only six inhabited planets and eleven claimed systems.
The Pax Imperium Empress Christiana is the head of the Russian republic.
(Imperial leaders are often chosen from such small republics because the larger states, particularly the Unity Corporation, prefer to make sure that the Empress or Emperor do not have a large military at their ready.)
The Villa
The ancestral palace of the House of Athena. Situated on the hills overlooking the capital Olympia, the palace is built to resemble an ancient Mediterranean manor with whitewashed walls and and blue tile for its roofs.
House of Athena Basics
Founded in the year 257 Before the Pax Empire (BPE)
(Age as of the Pax Imperium year 314, 567.)