
The Titan is a bluefin class cargo vessel that runs in Unity held space.

The Leroy Jenkins

The Leroy Jenkins was a Goliath-class cargo ship in the Unity. When inspected, Robert Logan found a container of engineered salmon that the new cargo master was trying to smuggle onto Aetna. He was forced to turn the ship over to the gendarmes for inspection, but he did so only after making sure its captain, Charlie, was able to protect himself and the  that the smuggling operation on the orbital.

The Behemouth

The Behemouth is a Poseidon class fishing submarine based in Utopia on the moon Aetna


The Calliope was an Athenian troop carrier destroyed in the battle for Apollos.

Gate Construction Ship D102

Gate Construction Ship D102 was built to carry an interstellar gate to the Arcadia system. The gate ship was built for high G acceleration, using mass bending and anti-gravity couches to dramatically increase the survivable acceleration curve for its crew.

The ship was built as a round cylinder with three fusion engines at the back. A series of crew decks were stacked perpendicular to the engines so that the acceleration could be countered by the artificial gravity and mass bending. Behind the engines a long two kilometer long spindle runs back to where the preassembled wormhole gate is attached, also perpendicular to the engines.

Overall gate construction ships are said to look like a dandelion seed or other types of flying seeds.